What should I focus on prelims for the UPSC 2025 exam?

The UPSC 2025 exam is quickly approaching, and many candidates are trying their hardest to pass it by any means possible. As a result, many are attempting a variety of new areas of preparation, such as focusing on mentorship support or trying to find the best prelims-oriented books. However, among all of these additive features, there are a few common areas that one must pay attention to in order to be well-versed in prelims preparation. To help with preparation, some examples of things to do include reading all of the NCERT books to strengthen your foundation and, of course, other higher-level books to raise your preparation level. You should also update your knowledge of current events, analyze previous year question papers, solve multiple practice tests, and be able to handle questions from a variety of angles. However, some people are still lost about what to do and how to do it, just as I was during my two UPSC prelims attempts. I used to struggle a lot, felt bewildered by my...