What is the strategy for the prelims and Mains current affairs for the UPSC?
It is not a feasible option to separate your Prelims Test For UPSC and mains preparation at the beginning when you still have time to appear for the preliminary examinations. You must realise that this is an integrated exam with topics that overlap and that both stages demand that you have a thorough understanding of a particular subject or theme. For the UPSC, for instance, there is no set way to prepare for current affairs for both the prelims and mains, but one should have a thorough comprehension of all the themes to know what is truly happening in them. While there is no question that the material is same for both, the demands of the questions in each level vary, necessitating in-depth learning. For instance, I can describe what I used to do while I was studying current affairs for the UPSC exam. Based on my research, I obtained several coaching institute current affairs study magazines from which I used to learn because they were divided into sections for the prelims and mains...